Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

The activities of the Trust can be divided in three categories.

The trust initiates and offers part funding to research projects in management and socially relevant topics undertaken by associates of the trust. The research findings are usually published in the form of books and monographs. Most of these are also uploaded on the website of the trust,  freely available for reading and for downloading.

The trust conducts Public lectures, Seminars and Symposia on issues related to Management, and having Social relevance. The associates of the Trust also participate in research activities conducted by Management Institutes, Commerce Colleges and Research institutions.

The trust awards Scholarships/ fellowships for undertaking activities leading to contribution of knowledge in Management.  In the past, PhD Scholars, MBA students working on their summer internship projects, faculty members and professionals contributing Research Papers to Management Journals have been honoured by the Trust through cash awards. PhD Scholars have also been offered assistance for funding their research.

Dr Subhash Bhave Scholarship, for the best Summer Internship Project, has been  in operation for the last 7 years.